All Fortnite season 2 weekly challenges

Epic Games released Fortnite chapter 2, season 2 after months of the longest season in battle royale history. The long-awaited season already shifted the metagame significantly, changing up the map, adding helicopters, and offering a Deadpool skin. Even the normal weekly missions changed this season in a major way.

Themed Fortnite season 2 challenges Fortnite Secret Agents

Similar to the missions from season X, the season 2 challenges are themed around something new every two weeks. Fitting into the spy theme that is at the heart of this season, there are five bosses who are both on the island to fight and leading the weekly tasks.

Every two weeks, battle royale will shift to focusing on another boss who is also a skin you can get in the season 2 battle pass. Completing nearly all of the challenges that a particular boss has will give you the chance to change that skin.

This guide is going to list all of the missions throughout this season and guides for how to do them, starting with season 5 and updated weekly as the new objectives arrive in the game. You can find the previous weeks below.

Fortnite week 5 challenges Fortnite Season 2 Week 5 Challenges

Week 5 is the start of a new boss cycle with the kitty secret agent Meowscles. This fan favorite spy is giving the missions for the next couple of weeks, leading up to his skin variant. You can find all of the week 5 objectives below.

  • Search for three treasure chests at Misty Meadows or Salty Springs
  • Eliminate five players with assault rifles from at least 50 meters away
  • Consume fish to gain 400 health or shields
  • Deal 200 damage to players while using the creeping cardboard item
  • Survive a fall from at least five stories high nine different times
  • Deal 100 damage to henchmen with pickaxes only
  • Visit Coral Cove, Stack Shack, and Crash Site in a single match without swimming
  • Kick a soccer ball 100 meters
  • Deal 400 damage to players with miniguns
  • Visit Shipwreck Cove, Yacht, and Flopper Pond
  • The 10 tasks this week are surprisingly difficult, really making players work for the rewards. One of the most challenging missions is to visit three different locations all in the same match without swimming.

    Three landmarks mission tips Fortnite frenzy farm helicopter

    For this challenge, players need to visit Coral Cove, Stack Shack, and Crash site — three landmark locations on the map. The twist with this particular mission is that this is hard mode, so you will need to visit all three in a single match to complete it. In addition, you can't swim at all in the process or your progress won't count.

    With such an insanely difficult task, there are some tips that can help you do it. First and foremost, we highly recommend, even more than usual, that you do this in the Team Rumble game mode. It has more time, fewer enemies, and, most importantly, respawns. Even if you die trying to visit all three, you can keep going when you respawn.

    Lastly, you are going to need a vehicle for this challenge or else a lot of materials. All three locations are on islands, and the catch is that you can't swim. Your best bet is to find a motorboat or helicopter first, so you don't end up accidentally swimming. You can use materials to climb over the water, if necessary, but this is a last-resort option as it will take much longer.

    Week five landmark locations Fortnite Season 2 Week 5 Locations

    You can find the location of the three landmarks above along with detailed descriptions of their locations below. The following progression is the order we recommend you go in. This is because it is a natural progression that doesn't require backtracking or anything else that would waste time in this highly time-sensitive task.

    Crash Site Fortnite Crash Site

    Crash Site is on the large island west of Pleasant Park and north of Sweaty Sands in the C2 square on the map. Here, you will find a large plane crash site.

    Coral Cove Fortnite Coral Cove

    Coral Cove is the second destination you should head to after the Crash Site. It's on an island northwest of Sweaty Sands and southwest of the Shark. It is the island in the A2 square, directly west of the previous one.

    Stack Shack Fortnite Stack Shack

    Stack Shack is on an island slightly northwest of Holly Hedges. It is in the A4 square and is the last in a string of tiny islands. There is a dilapidated shack alone on this island.

    Week 5 challenge rewards

    Completing this mission will grant 40,000 experience points, which is the same for all week 5 objectives.

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