'Fortnite' Teaser Leaks Suggest Season 3 Water Theme - Flood Finally Coming?

Fortnite update 12.50 released early Wednesday morning, and dataminers have pored over the latest files to reveal some pretty interesting discoveries. If leaked teasers are any indication, it appears the Season 3 Battle Pass will have an aquatic theme. The news arrives via the Twitter account of prominent Fortnite leaker FortTory.

As referenced in the source tweet, update 12.50 contains a brand-new selection of images called "S13_Poster_Teasers!." The graphics include Agent Meowscles wearing pool floaties, a house in the water kept afloat by a circular raft and a third teaser of a swimming Peely about to be nabbed by a giant shark. The theme of these images is quite clear, consistent and polished, which makes us believe these teasers are an accurate reflection of what's to come.

Above all, these teasers suggest some big changes are coming to the Season 2 map. While rumors about potential Fortnite floods have pervaded social media for about a year, it looks like Season 3 offers the best chance for that to actually happen. The images imply the reworked map will feature large threats in open water and floating locations to maintain traditional on-land Battle Royale.

These assumptions seem all the more legitimate when paired with leaks surfaced by the Skin-Tracker Twitter account last Tuesday. At that time, the source uncovered detailed underwater swimming animations that characters might be able to use in the future. Assuming Season 3 does have an aquatic theme, it'd make sense to let combatants swim below the waves. What they might find there, though, remains a mystery. Will the ocean floor be a new haven for Chests, or might there be full locations below the waves? We won't have answers to these questions for a few weeks, but that won't stop us from fantasizing about the possibilities.

These Fortnite Season 3 leaks arrive at a timely moment in Fortnite history, just a handful of days after the upcoming Battle Pass was delayed to June 4. With that knowledge in mind, it's possible Epic allowed these teasers to be leaked to make the extended wait more bearable. Now that it seems like we know what Fortnite Season 3 will look like, the next subject to ponder is the preceding live event. It's still unclear why or how the Fortnite map gets flooded, but, if past events are any indication, it will be quite an elaborate affair when it all unfolds.

Fortnite is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile. Fortnite Season 3 is expected to begin June 4.

What are your thoughts on these Fortnite Season 3 leaks? Will the next Battle Pass have a watery theme? Tell us in the comments section!

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