Where to find all three of these locations in Fortnite.
Visiting The Shark, Rapid's Rest and Gorgeous Gorge locations in Fortnite is one of the many challenges you can complete in Fortnite Season 2 Chapter 2.
To complete this challenge, you need to visit all three of these landmarks on the Fortnite map.
Completing this challenge will earn you 40,000 Xp, which will help you unlock the new Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 battle pass skins.
On this page:
The Shark, Rapid's Rest and Gorgeous Gorge can be found at the following locations on the Fortnite map:

Aside from The Shark, which is a named location, the locations in this challenge are landmarks. This means that they don't appear as named locations on the Fortnite map. Instead, their names will be revealed when you enter the location.
All you have to do to complete this challenge is land, using your glider, in each location.
The Shark is the only named location you need to visit in this challenge.

You can easily find it in the top north-western section of the map in B1. All you have to do is land anywhere on The Shark to complete this part of the challenge.
Rapid's Rest is located to the east of Lazy Lake in G6. The easiest way to find it is to land in or around Lazy Lake, then run down to the river and follow it till you find Rapid's Rest.

This location is a landmark, so you'll know that you've found it when its name appears on screen.
Fortnite Season 2 has arrived! With it comes new Battle Pass skins Maya, Midas and Meowscles, Deadpool challenges, new map changes, the addition of henchmen, phonebooth disguises and ID scanners, Shadow Safe Houses, sentry cameras and Helicopter locations.
Gorgeous Gorge is located to the west of Lazy Lake in E5 to F5.

The best way to find this location is head to the waterfall and then either land at the bottom of the waterfall or swim down the waterfall into this area.
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