Fortnite: How to Get Deadpool's Unmasked Skin

Fortnite players who have Deadpool's first skin after it was finally released last week have another skin for the hero to obtain, one that unmasks Deadpool and is available now as long as you know how to unlock the Unmasked Deadpool skin. The unmasked variant was leaked before just as pretty much every other skin in Fortnite has been, but it's now live in the game and can be added to players' lockers so long as they complete a few quick challenges to obtain it. Many players have already acquired it after the weekly challenges went live on Friday as they have been, so expect to see your Fortnite matches full of masked and unmasked Deadpools.

Epic Games showed off the Deadpool skin officially this week right as the challenges went live. It looks basically the same as the Deadpool skin that was in the game last week with the exception of the mask being removed to show Deadpool's disfigured face.

To earn the skin, all you have to do is complete this week's Deadpool challenges. Those challenges which are found on the computer in the secret room where Deadpool has been hanging out task players with finding Deadpool's pool float and dancing at the hero's party yacht. The second challenge is self-explanatory and will be easy to complete if you've been playing Fortnite lately and have been keeping up with the Fortnite festivities, and it'll require players to go into a game to complete. The other one can be finished in the Battle Pass menu where Deadpool's other lost items have been found in the past.

For those having a hard time finding the pool float, try checking in Skye's room. Twitter user meetlootllama shared a guide for finding the pool float in case it still escapes you.

Once you've completed both of these challenges, you'll have Unmasked Deadpool added to your collection. You've probably already seen players using it in the game if you've been active this week and haven't completed the challenges yet, and you can expect to see it more often in the future.

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