Everything you need to know about unlocking Deadpool in Fortnite.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 includes a very special, very super, guest - Deadpool.
Completing a series of special Deadpool Challenges will unlock the Deadpool outfit, which will allow you to play as the red suited anti-hero.
Deadpool joins Tntina and Maya in being one of the new skins that you can unlock as part of the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Battle Pass.
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If you want to unlock the Deadpool skin in Fortnite, then you must first buy the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Battle Pass. Without that you won't be able to take full advantage of the Battle Pass or gain the ability to unlock Deadpool.
Battle Pass in hand you now need to complete a series of weekly challenges to unlock the Deadpool skin. Each week contains different challenges and, unlike your typical Fortnite challenges, you have to complete the Deadpool challenges in a specific order.
This means that you must complete the first challenge, 'Find Deadpool's letter to Epic Games' for example, before you can complete the second challenge, which might be 'Don't thank the bus driver.'
For every challenge set you complete, you'll earn a special Deadpool themed reward. This included a Deadpool inspired weapon wrap and banner, among many others.
Don't worry if you're starting the Deadpool challenges late; the challenges will continue to unlock as you complete them, until you're up-to-date.
Complete enough of these challenges and you'll evenutally unlock the Deadpool skin.
Unlike the other new Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 skins, like Maya, Deadpool is unlocked by progressing through the Battle Pass.
Instead, you need to complete a set of challenges each week, which will then allow you to unlock Deadpool at a later point in this season.
Before you do this, however, you need to find Deadpool's Fortnite hideout, so that you can learn what the challenges are. To do this head to the Battle Pass section in the main menu.
There you'll find a Deadpool symbol above a vent - click on it to enter Deadpool's hideout.

Once you're in there, click on the computer to view the current weekly challenges you need to complete to unlock the Deadpool skin.

Don't be worried by the fact that you only have one challenge available - the second will appear once you've completed the first.

Below you'll find all the Deadpool weekly challenges, alongside the week they were released.
Week One - 20th to 28th February:
Once you've completed these challenges, you'll be rewarded with a Deadpool banner.
Week Two - 28th February to 6th March:
Once you've completed these challenges, you'll be rewarded with the 'Ride the Corn!' spray.
Week Three - 6th March to 13th March:
Completing these challenges will rewards you with the Wade Grenade spray.
Week Four - 13th March to 20th March:
Completing these challenges will rewards you with the Deadpool's Katanas Back Bling.
Week Five - 20th March to 27th March:
Completing these challenges will rewards you with the Deadpool themed loading screen.
Week Six - 27th March to 3rd April:
Completing these challenges will rewards you with the Deadpool wrap.
Week Seven - 3rd April to 10 April:
Completing these challenges will finally unlock the Deadpool outfit.

Fortnite Season 2 has arrived! With it comes new Battle Pass skins Maya, Midas and Meowscles, Deadpool challenges, new map changes, the addition of henchmen, phonebooth disguises and ID scanners, Shadow Safe Houses, Skye's coastal campsite locations, sentry cameras and Helicopter locations.
The first challenge you need to complete on your road to unlocking the Deadpool skin is finding, and reading, the letter Deadpool sent to Epic Games.
This is a very easy task to complete, but you don't even need to play any Fortnite to complete it.
Simply leave the computer screen that displays the Deadpool challenges and, on the floor of Deadpool's hideout, you'll find the letter.
Select the letter to give it a read and then return to the computer screen to discover what the next challenge is.

Good luck completeing the rest of the Deadpool challenges!
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