Fortnite Adds Two More Deadpool Skins

Two more Deadpool skins have been added to Fortnite, though they're not the Deadpool skins players are probably expecting after unlocking the hero's official skin from last week. These new Deadpool skins put unique twists on two of the cosmetics already in the game by transforming both the Cuddle Team Leader and Raven outfits. Both of the skins were introduced to Fortnite players this week with a preview of them and a short video shared on social media, and each of the skins is now available in the Item Shop for players to purchase to round out their Deadpool collection.

Called the "Cuddlepool" and "Ravenpool" skins, these two outfits can be seen below after they were first revealed this week. Cuddle Team Leader and Raven are both extremely popular skins in Fortnite, so it makes sense that if Epic Games were to pick some of its original skins to customize with a Deadpool twist, it'd be two popular ones like these.

Acquiring these two skins is a bit easier than having to complete weeks of challenges to unlock the Deadpool customizations, but that ease comes with a price. That price is 1,500 V-Bucks for one skin or 3,000 V-Bucks if you want both cosmetics in your collection since that's the price that's been set for the skins. You can purchase them now if you've got the cash for them since they're now in the shop, but be sure to get them before they're removed if you want them.

With these two skins now in the game, Fortnite currently has a total of four different Deadpool or Deadpool-themed skins. There's the original Deadpool skin which was released last week, these two alternate skins, and the Unmasked Deadpool skin which was just released on Friday. This skin requires challenges to be completed instead of a price tag, but like the original Deadpool skin, you'll need to have the Battle Pass to unlock it.

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