Gotham City's own Maiden of Mayhem and recent star of her own very good DCEU film, Harley Quinn, is joining the chaos of Fortnite: Battle Royale later today at 4 PM PT / 7 PM ET, after being teased briefly yesterday. A price hasn't been announced, but we do know what will be up for sale. [Update: The skin is now available, and you've got until the deadline mentioned below--February 17--to purchase it if you're interested.]
Harley Quinn's cosmetic bundle will go live on the Fortnite Item Shop. It includes her single character skin and two pickaxes, aptly named the Harley Hitter and Punchline. The items will only be available to purchase until February 17, giving you just under two weeks to pick them up.

Like other character skins, you'll be able to level up your Harley Quinn by completing specific challenges. Completing them all will transform the default Lil Monster XoXo Harley to the Always Fantabulous Harley. Here's what you'll need to achieve to accomplish that:
Along with Harley Quinn, Fortnite is currently running the Love and War limited-time event to pass the time until Season 2 finally launches later this month. This all comes as part of the new 11.50 update; check out the patch notes for all the details on what it changed.
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